
Brant Goose

The Brant Goose is a small goose with a black head, throat, and chest, a white collar or marking on the throat, and a white rump. However, there are various sub-species, mainly with lighter or darker coloring.

  • Branta bernicla
  • Length: 22 – 26 in (56 – 66 cm)
  • Weight: 63.84 oz (1809 g)
  • Wingspan: 43 – 48 in (109 – 122 cm)


Brant Geese breed in Canada and Alaska before migrating to coastal areas of the United States and Mexico. They also live in Europe.

Habitat And Diet

You can find Brant Geese in tundra, marshlands, islands, and coastal areas during the breeding season. In winter, they inhabit salt marshes, lagoons, mudflats, and tidal estuaries. 

Brant geese feed mostly on plant material both on land and water. They favor eelgrass, but any available grass is welcome. They also eat sedges, pondweed, and aquatic insects.

Brant Goose Call:


Nests of Brant Geese are usually located on small islands in tundra ponds or in elevated locations. They are shallow bowls of grass lined with down.

The female lays up to seven eggs that incubate for three to four weeks. When the eggs hatch, the parents lead the young to the feeding area so they can feed themselves.

Fun Fact:

Brant Geese can live up to 28 years.