Credit: Oregon State University
Credit: Frank Mantlik
Streak-backed Orioles are an occasional visitor to the US.
Streak-backed Orioles are orange and black orioles with dark orange heads and orange undersides, black-streaked backs, black wings with white edges, and black tails. They have black around the eyes and chin.
- Icterus pustulatus
- Length: 8.25 in (21 cm)
- Weight: 1.3 oz (36.8 g)
- Wingspan: 12.5 in (31.7 cm)
Streak-backed Orioles are not often spotted in the US, but they can be seen in the southwest. They are usually found along the Pacific Coast of Mexico and Central America, where they are very common.
Habitat And Diet
You can find Streak-backed Orioles in tropical woodland, grassland, and backyards, often along rivers. They are usually alone or in small groups. They prefer open and arid woodlands with thorny Mimosa shrubs.
Streak-backed Orioles rely heavily on insects and spiders for their sustenance. In addition, they will also eat fruits, berries, seeds, and nectar.
Streak-backed Oriole Sounds:
Their song is a series of pleasant whistles, and calls are short sharp notes or cackles.
Nests of Streak-backed Orioles are long, hanging baskets woven from plant fibers. The female lays three to four eggs, and they take about two weeks to hatch and a further two weeks to fledge.
Fun Fact:
Female Streak-backed Orioles are paler than the males in the northern part of their range. But for southern birds, they tend to become brighter and sometimes it’s hard to distinguish them from the males.