Gray Hawk

Gray Hawks are light gray in color with solid gray on the upper parts and finely barred gray and white on the chest and belly. Their tails are long and have three white bands against black. They have short, broad wings and are smaller hawks in this family.

  • Buteo plagiatus
  • Length: 18 – 24 in (46 – 61 cm)
  • Weight: 13.8 – 16.6 oz (391 – 470 g)


Gray Hawks migrate and spend the summer breeding in Central America, Mexico, Southern Texas, and Arizona.

Habitat And Diet

You can find Gray hawks in cottonwood and willow woods, with streams or rivers nearby. They can be spotted soaring over open areas or perched on branches waiting patiently for lizards, like the Whiptail Lizard and the Spiny Lizard. They also eat snakes, toads, and other birds.

Gray Hawk Call:


Nests of Gray Hawks are built by both parents. They use twigs and sticks with leaves taken from live trees. The female lines the nest with softer materials when the nest is complete. She lays one to four eggs and incubates them within thirty-two to thirty-four days.

The male hunts and feeds his partner during the incubation period. When the eggs hatch, it takes them forty-two days for them to be ready to fly on their own.

Fun Fact:

Gray Hawks were once known as Mexican Goshawks.