Rock Pigeon

Rock Pigeon

Rock Pigeons are a common sight, especially in urban environments and are also known as Rock Doves.

They are usually blueish gray with two black bands on the wing and black on the tail tip. They have greenish-purple iridescent throat feathers and orange eyes.

However, they may come in different colors, including white.

  • Columba livia
  • Length: 11.8 – 14.2 in (30 – 36 cm)
  • Weight: 9.3 – 13.4 oz (265 – 380 g)
  • Wingspan: 19.7 – 26.4 in (50 – 67 cm)


Rock Pigeons do not migrate and can be found in all US states, southern Canada, and the Pacific Coast to Alaska.

Habitat And Diet

They are common in cities and farmlands and visit backyards, especially for birdseed on the ground. Some cities have ordinances against feeding pigeons as they are considered pests.

Rock Pigeon Call:


Nests of Rock Pigeons are usually located in nooks and crannies in manmade structures, like eaves, stairwells, rain gutters, and in rooms of abandoned buildings. In the wild, they may build nests in ledges or cliffs.

The male chooses the nesting site, sitting and cooing there until he attracts a mate. Once paired, the female builds a platform nest made of straw, stems, and sticks that her partner brings to her.

She will then lay one to three eggs and then they will take turns incubating the eggs. The male’s shift lasts from mid-morning to late afternoon and the female takes over until the next day, mid-morning.

Fun Fact:

Rock Pigeons reuse their nests but they don’t remove the feces of their nestlings. Instead, they leave it in the nest, and over time, they become part of the nest making it sturdier. Some nests include unhatched eggs and the corpses of the young.