Prairie Warbler

Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor)
Prairie warbler female

Prairie Warblers are small songbirds that are olive green on the back and yellow on the throat and belly. They have black streaks on the sides and a dark semicircle under the eye. Female Prairie Warblers are duller in color and may have grayer heads.

  • Setophaga discolor
  • Length: 4.3 in (11 cm)
  • Weight: 0.2-0.3 oz (6.4-8.8 g)


Prairie Warblers breed in eastern and southeastern US states and spend the winter in Florida and the Caribbean and some coastal areas in Central America.

Some remain all year in Florida and are considered separate subspecies, but they are slightly larger.

Habitat And Diet

Although they are called prairie warblers, they actually live in fields and forests where they eat insects, spiders, and snails. You can spot them bobbing their tails while moving along branches looking for food.

Prairie Warbler Song:

They have a distinctive rising song.


Nests of Prairie Warblers are hidden in trees and shrubs and made from plant material and leaves and lined with soft feathers and fur. They lay up to five eggs, which take about two weeks to hatch and around ten days for the young to leave the nest.

Fun Fact:

Male Prairie Warblers sing two songs, one that is to attract females and one that is to scare off other males.